2018 Primary Voters' Guide

Coming Soon
Ryan Cooper

Elected Experience: Benton County Libertarian Party Chair, 2017-present

Other Professional Experience: Owner, R Cooper Sales, 2009-present. Army National Guard, 2005-2011. Benton County Coordinator, Gary Johnson for President, 2016. Campaign Manager, Eric Burlison State Rep, 2008. Campaign Manager, Mark Wright State Rep, 2000.

Education: BS Journalism Missouri State, 2007. AA Mineral Area College, 2003. Diploma Valley R-6, 1998.

Community Service: LDS Missionary Riverside CA, 2001-2002. Won a lawsuit that eliminated free speech restrictions at Missouri State in 2003.

Statement: Like most Americans, I am not a Republican or Democrat. Both parties support out-of-control spending, higher taxes, and limit personal liberties. I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. Enough is Enough.

It's time that we, the independent voters of Kennewick, Richland, and West Richland elect a State Senator who represents us and not the special interests or the big party bosses. We need someone who understands the principles of limited government. Someone who runs a small business and knows that the government is often the problem, not the solution.

If elected, I promise to oppose all tax increases and will fight to lower taxes on car tabs, property taxes, business taxes, and sales taxes. I am 100 percent opposed to creating a state income tax, head tax on employees, and taxes on soda and groceries. I also promise to be the strongest supporter of individual liberty. I will remove restrictions on free speech at every Washington public university and allow Benton County farmers to grow, process and sell cannabis.

I will be your champion for liberty in Olympia. I can't do that without your vote and support. 


(509) 380-6391