2016 General Election Voters' Guide

Coming Soon
Monica Jurado Stonier

Elected Experience: State Representative, Vice Chair of House Education Committee

Other Professional Experience: Hands-on experience in the classroom as a Teacher; Instructional Literacy Coach, Pacific Middle School

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Western Washington University; Masters in Education, WSU-Vancouver

Community Service: General Advisory Committee Clark County Skills Center, Member of Financial Education Public Private Partnership, Member of Healthy Living Collaborative, Youth Athletics Coach, George C. Marshall Public Leadership Award Nominee 2010

Statement:  Our economy must work better for families. I'll continue to be a progressive voice for higher minimum wage, equal pay for women, mandatory state-wide sick leave, protecting our aging population, and access to mental health services. I'll continue my lifelong advocacy for public schools. No legislators have my hands-on classroom experience, district level work, and success in state policy on early education, graduation standards, and academic achievement.

That's why I'm endorsed by local Firefighters, Teachers, local and statewide labor communities, state and county elected officials, including Prosecutor Tony Golik, Former Mayor Royce Pollard and more...  

(360) 901-2859