2016 Primary Voters' Guide

Coming Soon
Mike Chapman

Elected Experience: 4-term Clallam County Commissioner

Other Professional Experience: Former Mill Creek Police Sergeant and US Customs Inspector; earned the Exceptional Service Award for capturing the Millennial Bomber.

Education: AAS Shoreline College; BA Northwest College; Master’s in Leadership, Duquesne University.

Community Service: Former: President, Boys and Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula; President, North Olympic Jr. Babe Ruth; Director, North Olympic Baseball and Softball and PA Youth Baseball; Chair, Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization; Chair, Clallam Transit; Director, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce. Current: Clallam County Board of Health; Founding Director, two term President and Board Director of the William Shore Memorial Pool District.

Statement: A former police Sergeant and decorated US Customs Inspector, who captured the Millennial Bomber, Mike Chapman will use his experience and local government expertise to get things done for the people of the Olympic Peninsula. Like many of you, Mike is frustrated by the partisan bickering and special interests getting in the way of progress.

Mike will work to fully-fund our local schools, make wise investments in public infrastructure projects that create jobs, work to reform the B&O tax to help small business, and ensure that our environment is protected and preserved. Mike Chapman: Putting People Before Politics.

(360) 477-1131