2018 Primary Voters' Guide
2-year term
King*, Skagit*, Snohomish*, Whatcom*

Coming Soon
Adam Pilskog

Elected Experience: No prior elected experience

Other Professional Experience: I have spent the past ten years as a public elementary and middle school teacher in Lake Washington, Seattle, and Northshore.

Education: BA - Criminal Justice, WSU. MBA - University of Phoenix. K-8 Teacher Certification - UW-Bothell

Community Service: I spent several years as a Big Brother for Big Brothers Big Sisters of King County, and volunteered for the YMCA in Shoreline while working to become an educator. I served on various homeowner association board of directors over the years, and have coached youth basketball on and off since high school. 

Statement: Serving in Congress should be a short-term privilege and a public service, not a career. The partisan problems our country is facing have escalated to untenable levels and we need changes to the system now. The Democrats and Republicans have found themselves mired in complacency and acceptance of the limitations and shortcomings of the current legislative system and it's not serving our population.

I love my career, my family, and my life. I also love our country and the amazing opportunities that it provides for the diverse and growing population. I want to make a difference, so this is my civic activism.

We need common sense solutions to complex problems. Bipartisan gridlock and broken promises to voters has become the norm and we continue to accept it. Change must start with Congressional accountability. We need fresh solutions and we need to evolve with our growing population and changing demographics.

Most Americans have passionate views on single issues, but find themselves more moderate as a whole, yet they are forced to choose between two extreme political parties that have frankly grown too powerful for their intended purpose. Choice is the fundamental beauty of living in a Democratic Republic. We need more choices than just a blue or a red candidate.

I believe in the fundamentals of the US Constitution, but also the pragmatic view that it’s been over two hundred years since it was written. Times have changed, and the American people are demanding change as well.

Some of the issues I care about are Congressional term limits, Campaign finance reform, Infrastructure improvement, Budget accountability, Universal healthcare, Criminal Justice reform, Education reform, Tax reform.

My stance on various single-voter issues can be found on my website - pilskog2018.blogspot.com.

(206) 910-8786