2017 Primary Voters' Guide

Coming Soon
Mary J. Martin

For the working class, the greatest of all battles ahead is to throw off the image of ourselves that we do not have the capacity to organize, learn, and to transform ourselves as we fight to end capitalist rule and establish workers power.

As the slow burning global depression continues, the financial capitalists and the well-paid professionals who serve them, sense that mounting struggle- class struggle- lies ahead.

To meet this challenge we have joined protests against racist attacks on Blacks, South Asians and against police violence. We have walked the picket lines with USW silver miners on strike in Mullan, Idaho; helped build and participate in the May Day actions for immigrant rights; supported the Familias Unidas farm workers union fighting for their first contract in Skagit County; and participated in defense of Planned Parenthood for a woman's right to choose abortion.

The unions must organize the unorganized and support the demand for amnesty to fight for the solidarity of our class. This is a life and death question for the labor movement.

We speak out against Washington's imperialist wars- from Iraq to Afghanistan to Syria. We oppose the ruler's scapegoating of Muslims and against Jew-hatred which seeks to divert workers attention away from the common enemy- the capitalist system. We join in the celebration of the freedom of Oscar Lopez and demand an end to colonial rule of Puerto Rico.

The Cuban Revolution sent volunteers to beat back apartheid South Africa's invasion of Angola and sent doctors to fight the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. The revolution shows the solidarity achieved when workers and farmers over throw the capitalist class and end their dog eat dog system. End the embargo! US Out of Guantanamo!

The capitalists rule through their Democratic and Republican parties. The 2016 elections showed that much of the working class has no confidence that either of these parties can or will solve our problems.

In Seattle as elsewhere, as long as the capitalist class rules,  conditions concerning health care, housing, homelessness, mass transit, education, wages, and a decent livable retirement for those who have produced all their lives will continue to deteriorate. We can fight and push back the bosses and their government but only a massive movement leading to a Socialist revolution can solve these problems in the interests of the working class. The Socialist Workers Party is your party. Join with us! 

(206) 323-1755