2017 General Election Voters' Guide

Coming Soon
Justin M. Forsman

Elected Experience:  Vice President of the Broken Pole Fishing Hole, fishing retreat for wounded veterans.

Other Professional Experience:   Suing a WA State Superior Court Judge in federal court for violation of his oath of office and violation to our 2nd amendment.

Education:  Experience in Criminal Justice: Education in Forensic Science, evaluating crimes scenes, training in Crime Scene photography and extensively in Crime scene Investigations, gaining fundamental principals in Law Enforcement and procedures. In Law: paralegal training and extreme research in the United States and Washington state Constitution, RCW and WAC codes. History major, researcher and Investigator.

Community Service:  Lifetime investment to community, and helping others reform their lives.


Statement: "There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts." 

I'm tired of seeing our people barely scraping by, living check to check. I am tired of seeing homeless in the streets. I am tired of the poison in our water, the taxes on everything we do, and the one's who claim to be our elected officials, giving us nothing but lip service in return.

I am no politician... I am a Patriot, who wants to fight for "[we] the people" to restore and enhance our individual Rights. I am willing to come up with radical ideas, spark change, and increase the stability in our lives.

Some of my visions include: A local currency, backed by silver. Lowering your taxes, which helps local families and our local economy. Cut regulations on local businesses. End homelessness within our City limits, (with or without Clark counties help). Investigate and fight local corruption. Cut unnecessary spending. Fix our pot holes! Clean water. Long-term goal: Every citizen... safe, not hungry, and a roof over their head. Let's change History together. Elect Me, Justin Forsman to Vancouver City Council.

(360) 773-5634